Leelanau County
Suttons Bay Township


We are located at 95 W. Fourth Street, Suttons Bay, Michigan, 49682 which is located on the right hand side (West side) of the driveway, just past the laundromat as you drive into Hansen's Plaza from Fourth Street                             

Our mailing address is: PO Box 457, Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Phone: (231) 271-2722

See the Directory for Telephone Extensions & Individual Email Addresses
Please direct general correspondence and FOIA requests to the Clerk at clerk@suttonsbaytwp.com


PROPERTY TAXES will be sent out on December 1, 2024.  PAYMENTS ARE DUE AND PAYABLE BY 5:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 28, 2025.  

Find information on your property parcel or pay your property taxes by visiting:

The Township is reviewing the draft Zoning Ordinance Overhaul document.  The Planning Commission meets the first Tuesday of each month.  Once the final edits have been made, a public hearing will be scheduled.  You may review the Draft Ordinance here.

Notice to Suttons Bay Township Residents and Taxpayers;

The Suttons Bay Township Board is seeking applicants to fill future vacancies on certain Township Advisory Boards or Committees such as the Planning Commission, Recreation Committee, Fire and Rescue Authority and the Board of Review. Some of these positions may be subject to residency requirements. Residents of the Village of Suttons Bay are qualified for any of these positions. Interested applicants please reply in writing with a short resume to: Suttons Bay Township Clerk, PO Box 457, Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Election Page & Clerk's Office Hours

For more information on our parks, visit http://suttonsbayparks.org/

Suttons Bay's Short Term Rental

information can be found here.


2019/2020 Township financial audit
is available click here



Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) communication

regarding Public Act 480 of 2006 (click here)

Relevant to video/cable television complaints with your provider.


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has authority regarding satellite television complaints or internet services. 

FTC (877) 382-4357 or www.ftc.gov


Suttons Bay Township News

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Public Notices