Canvassing of the August 6, 2024 Primary for Leelanau County precincts will begin on Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 8:55 a.m. The canvass will be held at the Government Center, 8527 E. Government Center Dr., Suttons Bay, MI 49682.
Kasson Township residents value the rural, undeveloped nature of the area that is predominantly covered with forests, farm land and some orchards. The unincorporated village of Maple City, originally called Peg Town, was founded in 1866 and is the only densely settled area in the Township.
Among the services within the village are a post office, gas station, two restaurants, several churches, an exercise center, the Township park which adjoins the Lions Club and a Leelanau County Road Commission garage.
The Glen Lakes Community Schools’ campus is located in Kasson Township. Established in 1956, the schools provide a distinctive education to approximately 730 students from Cedar, Maple City, Glen Arbor, Empire and surrounding areas through Schools of Choice.
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